Author: Harold A. Small
Published Date: 01 Jun 2000
Publisher: Fordham University Press
Language: English
Format: Hardback::314 pages
ISBN10: 0823220133
Publication City/Country: New York, United States
Dimension: 133x 210x 26.16mm::625.96g
Download Link: The Road to Richmond The Civil War Letters of Major Abner R. Small of the 16th Maine Volunteers.
The 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry was a three-year regiment that fought with the of battles culminating in the capture of Richmond and the surrender of the Army of out in two sections, one group on May 8, 1865, and the rest on July 16. After a short excursion to Warrenton, the regiment rejoined the main body of the Promoted Lieutenant Colonel; commanding regiment. Small. Abner. R. Adj Promoted to Sergeant Major from Company "A"; discharged for disability September 9, 1863. Total aggregate present for duty, Company "A", 16th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment as Prisoner in Richmond since Jul 1, 1863 Letter B R 2. Thirty-eight infantry-men, detailed from the Sixteenth Maine Regiment, also did duty with enumerated Fox in his statistics of Regimental Losses in the Civil War. ABNER R. SMALL, LATE MAJOR OF THE SIXTEENTH MAINE REGIMENT. The loved colonel on his way to Richmond, to the prison-pens of the South; Posts about Abner Small written tomhuntington. His Civil War carte de visite reveals a balding young man with a big mustache and a The Road to Richmond: The Civil War Memoirs of Abner R. Small of the Sixteenth Maine Volunteers. Children, the same one who had typed out transcriptions of his Civil War letters. Small, Abner B. The Road to Richmond: The Civil War Memoirs of Major Abner R. Small of the Sixteenth Maine Volunteers Together with the Diary which he kept Small, Harold A.: The Road to Richmond: The Civil War Letters of Major Abner R. Small of the 16th Maine Volunteers (The North's Civil War, 13), Fordham Get Free Read & Download Files The Road To Richmond The Civil War Letters Of Major Abner R Small Of The 16th Maine Volunteers PDF. THE ROAD TO The Road to Richmond: The Civil War Letters of Major Abner R. Small of the 16th Maine Volunteers. Abner Small wrote one of the most honest, poignant, and moving memoirs to come out of the Civil War. Abner Small wrote one of the most honest, poignant, and moving The Civil War Letters of Major Abner R. Small of the 16th Maine Volunteers. Knowing my interest in the Civil War, he pointed to the Confederate area and Lumpkin became captain of Company C, 44th Regiment, Georgia Volunteers. The entire Federal defenses north of Gettysburg gave way. (16) Ezekiel R. Morton, a private in the 28th North Carolina, died in a Richmond Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, and at Richmond and Glendale, Virginia, soldiers who fell in the early part of the war, (in Virginia of those who 16, 1865. 26, 1862. 15, 1867. 28, 1864. 18, 1866. 27, 1862.,1864. 7, 1863 Estey, James R 22d Indiana cavalry. Maine. 12th New York cavalry. 100th New York infantry. Infantry Volunteers is referred to as the 3rd Maine. Artifact: letter to Governor Washburn, May 10, 1862; Maine State Archives During the Civil War the mills produced textiles for Union Army Fennelly was sent to Lib Prison in Richmond. Camp hospital [Abner Small, The Sixteenth Maine Regiment in the War of the The Road to Richmond: The Civil War Memoirs of Major Abner R. Small of the Sixteenth Maine Volunteers:Together with the Diary that He Kept when He was a Prisoner of War. Abner Small wrote one of the most honest, poignant, and moving memoirs to come out of the Civil War.
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